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Three Crosses Standing Calvary Scene - Granite and Limestone
Product Description
8.5 inches tall. Base is 10 x 12. We have created a three dimensional, three crosses Calvary scene utilizing a granite base, in a manner that mimics a hilly area. The crosses of Jesus and the two thieves are made of limestone. This scene is very attractive yet somber, to capture a feeling of solemnity. There is a piece of granite that sits under the base which tilts the scene up. The picture was taken with that removed so it is laying flat here. The crosses tilt back just a bit either way.
The cool, smooth, earthy feel of our crosses will have everyone wanting to touch them, so we recommend cleaning with water or granite and marble cleaner only. Color enhancer for stone is used on the crosses, to accentuate the natural colors in the stone.
Small imperfections are part of the beauty of handcrafted, natural products and are often intentional in my work.
Be sure to check out our large selection of wall crosses, free standing tabletop crosses, Celtic crosses, oversized crosses and memorial crosses. We have recently added wall cross plaques as well. Our three crosses Calvary scenes are very popular, whether used with Lake Superior stones or on a wall cross plaque.
Our unique granite and stone crosses are a wonderful alternative to the standard metal and wood crosses that are commonly available. We are finding that cross collectors love us! Each cross is also signed by the artist, Rick Brack.
Check back with us frequently, since new styles and color combinations are introduced often.
Our designer crosses make perfect gifts! They are excellent for Easter, Confirmation, Mother's Day, Father's Day, high school or college graduation, weddings, Christmas, for your cross collectors, a gift for your Pastor or Priest or just to say "I love you."
Thank you for choosing Stumbling Stone Crosses!