36 inch Oversize Wall Gross- Granite, Gold, Gray, Burgundy Large Granite Wall Cross - Very Dark Green, Honed Face Small Golden Limestone Standing Cross on Amethyst Stone Base Stone Candle Holders Wall Cross - Slate With Travertine - Two Layer19 Inch Oversize Standing Onyx Cross - White, Green Granite 44 inch Oversize Standing Cross- Outlined Granite, Black ,TaupeArizona Sandstone Wall Cross - Angled Cut EdgesArizona Sandstone Wall Cross - ThunderbirdAsymmetrical Rough Faced Granite Wall Cross Black and Apricot Granite Wall Cross 2 - Broken EdgesBlack Granite and Crystal "Galaxy" Wall Cross - Angled CutBrentwood Granite 3 Cross SculptureBrentwood Sandstone Cross on Amethyst BaseBrown Granite Wall Cross, Travertine Accents - Rounded Edges DimensionalBrown Granite Wall Cross, Travertine Accents- Dimensional Brown Granite Wall Cross, With Travertine Accents- Rounded EdgesBrown Speckled Granite Wall Cross Ceil's Limestone Standing Cross on LimestoneCeltic CrossesCeltic Wall Cross - Travertine Celtic Wall Cross- Gray and Taupe Celtic- Granite - GreenCherry Sandstone Stone Wall Cross "Big Red"Contemporary Brentwood Sandstone Wall Cross Creamsicle Sandstone Wall Cross- Chipped / Rough EdgesCross PlaquesCurved Granite Cross- Reddish Brown with Black and Gray, Broken EdgesCurved Granite Cross- Reddish Brown with Black and Gray, Broken Edges IICurved Silver and Gold Schist Stone Wall Cross Dark Green Granite Box- Light Green Cross on LidDimensional Wall Cross - Red Granite With Travertine - Angled EdgesEagle Feather Granite Wall Cross, Angled CutFloating Backlit Cross Plaque - Brown Granite and Travertine Golden Schist Angled Cut Stone Cross, With Dark GrayGolden Schist Wall Cross- Square CutGranite Angled Cut Cross- Gray, Off White and Tan ColorationsGranite Celtic Cross - For Tabletop Use - Speckled GraysGranite Cross for Tabletop or Bookcase - Black With FlaresGranite Cross Sculpture - Multi LayeredGranite Earth View Wall Cross Granite Leaning Cross- Gray, Black and Garnet Granite Three Cross on Limestone Granite Three Cross SculptureGranite Wall Cross - White, Taupe, Gray, Broken Top and Bottom Granite Wall Cross - Ceil'sGranite Wall Cross - Dark Green and Black - Medium Size Granite Wall Cross - Gold, Ivory and Silver GrayGranite Wall Cross - Gray, White and Rust, Angled CutGranite Wall Cross - Sea Salt and Pepper Medley Granite Wall Cross - Siccouri- Ivory, Black, GoldGranite Wall Cross - Sicuri , Beveled Edges, Off White, Gold, Black Granite Wall Cross - Tan Granite Wall Cross With Flares - Gray Tan and IvoryGranite Wall Cross With Metal Celtic RingGranite Wall Cross With Metal Glory HaloGranite Wall Cross with Wire Wrapped Ends Granite Wall Cross- Gray, Rust, Angled Cut, Broken TopGranite Wall Cross- Angled Cut, Tan with Ivory, GrayGranite Wall Cross- Gray, White and Rust, Angled Cut Granite Wall Cross- Jurassic Black, Beveled Edges Granite Wall Cross- Midnight Green, Honed FaceGranite Wall Cross- Off White with Taupe Gray, Broken TopGranite Wall Cross- Rough Faced - Gray, Reddish Brown I Gray and Rust Mystique Sandstone Wall Cross Green and Blue Granite Wall Cross IGreen Verde Fantastico Granite Wall CrossIvory Travertine Profile Wall CrossJurassic Granite Wall Cross, Angled CutJurassic Green Marinacci Granite Cross on RockLake Superior Stone With Marble Cross for Tabletop Lake Superior Stone, Three Crosses – Reddish Brown and GreenLake Superior Stone,Three Crosses -Tabletop - Copper and GrayLarge Delicate Brown Granite Wall CrossLarge Granite Celtic Wall Cross - Gray, White, BurgundyLarge Granite Celtic Wall Cross- Brown and CreamLarge Granite Wall Cross - Siccouri, Ivory, Black, Brown, GoldLarge Jurassic Granite Wall CrossLarge Rough Faced Granite Wall Cross - Rust, Ivory, GrayLarge Standing Cross- Green Gray Schist on Stone Base Large Standing Tabletop Cross - Brown and Gray Sandstone Large Stone Wall Cross- Mystique MudstoneLarge Wall Plaque With Three Crossses Laying Down Red Sandstone Cross on Broken Edged Granite BaseLeaning Cross - Vesicular Rhyolite on Basalt BaseLeaning Cross- Black Granite , Granite Base, White, Gray, BlackLeaning Cross- Terrazo Marble on Limestone BaseLeaning Stone Cross- Dark Dark Red- Medium sizeLeaning Stone Cross- Dark Red with Tan Leaning Travertine Cross on Limestone BaseLimestone Couples Cross With Wire HeartLimestone Leaning CrossMarble Standing Cross- White, Tan, Gray Angled, Broken Base IMarble Standing Cross- White, Tan, Gray Angled, Broken Base IIMarble Wall Cross - BeigeOversize Crosses Oversize Green Granite Memorial Cross on Lake Superior RockOversize Standing Cross - Brentwood Sandstone With Rainforest GraniteOversize Standing Cross - Emparador Granite and TravertineOversize Standing Granite Cross - Gray,White, Rust Terracotta BaseOversize Susquehanna Sandstone Wall Cross IIOversize Wall Cross- Ivory Granite, Tan Accents - 48 inchesOversized Reclaimed Texas Limestone Wall Cross Oversized Standing Cross - Travertine, With Nail and CrownOversized Standing Granite Cross - Indoor or Outdoor GardenOversized Travertine Wall Cross - Indoor or Outdoor 24 inchOversized Travertine Wall Cross - Indoor or Outdoor Use, 2- 24 inchPeach Marble Cross Leaning on Lake Superior Stone Peach Marble Standing Cross on Gold, White and Gray RockPeacock Granite Standing Cross in Limestone BasePeacock Granite Standing Cross on Stone BasePeacock Granite Wall CossPersonalized Crosses Please check back for memorial crossesPlum Creek - Broken EdgesPlum Creek Angled Wall Cross- Angled Cut, Broken EdgesPlum Creek Rough CrossPlum Creek Stone Wall CrossPlum Creek Stone Wall Cross - Brownish Red with Tan, Dark Brown Plum Creek Wall Cross - Broken Edges Angled - Plum/GrayPlumb Creek Limestone Cross Quartz Wall Cross- Milky, Clear and Golden Quartz Wall Cross- White With Rusty Gold Quartzite Standing Tabletop Cross - Warm Reddish Brown, Angled CutQuartzite Wall Cross - With White Stripe Red Limestone Wall Cross - Broken EndsRed Plum Creek Angled Cut Wall Cross , Broken Edges Red Sandstone on GraniteRojo Slate Hanging Cross Plaque - Two Sided, Indoor, OutdoorRough Faced Limestone Wall Cross- Reddish Brown, all Broken EdgesRough Granite Wall Cross - Grays, Golden Red II Aysymetrical Rough Granite Wall Cross - Golden Red, Ivory and Gray ISale and Discount CrossesSale and Discount CrossesSandstone Celtic Cross - Brown and GraySandstone Three Cross Sculpture Sandstone Wall Cross- Dark Red Brown, Gold and GraySearchShipping lablesShist Stone Wall Cross- Angled EndsSicuri Granite Wall Cross - Beveled EdgesSmall Black Granite Standing Cross on Lake Superior Stone Small Mystique Sandstone Standing Cross on Mook JasperSmall Standing Cross, Granite With Wire WrapSmall Standing Cross- Ivory Terrazzo Marble, BeveledSmall Standing Granite Crucifix For Tabletop - Angled Cut, PastelsSmall Unfilled Travertine Wall Cross - RusticSmall Wall Cross- TravertineSmall Wall Cross- White and GrayGranite with Gold- Rough FaceSmokey Gray Granite Wall Cross Soapstone Wall Cross With Copper ColorSold CrossesStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Green Angled Cut Standing Black Granite Cross on Rock With CandleholderStanding Candy Colored Cross - Blue, Yellow and Green Standing Cross - Golden Noir Granite, Set in StoneStanding Cross - 2 Layer Angled Outlined - Emparadour GraniteStanding Cross - Brown Square Hollow Standing Cross - Gold and Ivory - Cross Within a Cross Standing Cross - Granite Tan Speckled on Delicate Brown BaseStanding Cross - Labradorite Peacock On Gray and Brown StoneStanding Cross - Onyx and Dark Brown Granite With Star BurstStanding Cross - Tan and Black Granite on Lake Superior StoneStanding Cross -Green Square Hollow With Light Green BlocksStanding Cross -Tan Square Hollow With Brown BlocksStanding Cross for Tabletop - 3 layerStanding Cross for Tabletop - Angled Cut, Copper Thorns Standing Cross for Tabletop - Granite, Gray Pebbles Standing Cross for Tabletop- Jurassic Black Granite Angled TopStanding Cross for Tabletop- Outlined Juparana, Inlaid BaseStanding Cross Rough Faced Granite- North Shore Stone BaseStanding Cross, Red Rainforest Granite on Lake Superior StoneStanding Cross- Peacock on Lake Superior Stone - LabradoriteStanding Cross- Granite Angled Cut, Ivory, Gold,Gray, GarnetsStanding Cross- Granite Wide Angled Cut Standing Cross- Jurasic Granite, Triangle BaseStanding Cross- Reclaimed Texas Stone on River RockStanding Cross- Red White and Blue Standing Cross- Travertine Lacy Edges IStanding Cross- Travertine Lacy Edges IIStanding Crosses Standing Crucifix - Black and Silver Granite, Outlined I, IIStanding Crucifix- Granite, Ivory, Gray, Gold, with Garnets Standing Golden Noir Granite CrossStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Golden Noir OutlinedStanding Granite and Marble Cross - Jupinera Outlined Standing Granite Celtic Cross for Tabletop - Gray and TaupeStanding Granite Celtic Cross, Tabletop - Gray and Black 1Standing Granite Celtic Cross, Tabletop - Gray and Black 2Standing Granite Cross - Outlined Red Dragon, Gray - Rock BaseStanding Granite Cross - Siccuri Broken Edge TopStanding Granite Cross - St Cecelia and Black Double HollowStanding Granite Cross - Tan and Brown Outlined With InlayStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Light Sucuri, Angled Cut Standing Granite Cross for Tabletop - Sea Green with TanStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - White and Silver Angled Standing Granite Cross for Tabletop - Angled Black with CrystalsStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Black with Blue, HollowStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Brown OutlinedStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Crystals With BlackStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Gold and Mustard, WireStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Gold, Mustard Angled CutStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Golden With “Sonburst” FlaresStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Green Rocks Angled CutStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Mixed Grays, Wire WrapStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Outlined Golden Noir ,"Sonburst"Standing Granite Cross for Tabletop - Tan with Sea GreenStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop - Terra Cotta, IvoryStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop or Bookcase - Angled - GrayStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop – Crystals, Black, With “Sonburst” FlaresStanding Granite Cross for Tabletop – Layered 3 color, Angled Standing Granite Cross with 4 Nails - Ivory, Golden Brown, TaupeStanding Granite Cross with 8 Nails - Ivory, Golden Brown, TaupeStanding Granite Cross with Decorative Metal Rays - Ivory, BrownsStanding Granite Cross with Glory Ring - Ivory, Browns, TaupeStanding Granite Cross- 2 Layerd Angled Outlined, Meduim TaupeStanding Granite Cross- 2 Layered Angled - 2 Tone Tan Standing Granite Cross- Angled Cut SuccuriStanding Granite Cross- Black Angled Cut- Silver CrucifixStanding Granite Cross- Sicuri Standing Granite Cross- Terra Cotta Granite, North Shore RockStanding Granite Crucifix for Tabletop Use - Small JuparanaStanding Granite Crucifix for Tabletop - Ivory and GoldStanding Granite Crucifix for Tabletop - Outlined, Black, GrayStanding Granite Crucifix- Ivory, Gray, Rust, Brown- Golden CorpusStanding Granite Tabletop Cross - Juparana With Inlay, Angled Cut Standing Gray and White Marble Crucifix - Set on StoneStanding Hollow Marble Cross for Tabletop - Blue / Black Standing Hollow Marble Cross for Tabletop - White With Black Standing Ivory Marble Cross in Lake Superior StoneStanding Limestone Cross North Shore Stone Ceil's Cross IIStanding Limestone Cross on Gray Rugged Plum Creek Stone Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - Ivory/ Peach Double Hollow Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - Peach with Beige Angled Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - Peach / Ivory Double Hollow Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - Black and White HollowStanding Marble Cross for Tabletop - Blue with White HollowStanding Marble Cross for Tabletop - Rain Forest 2Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - RainforestStanding Marble Cross for Tabletop - Reddish Brown "Sonburst" 2Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - Reddish Brown "Sonburst" FlaresStanding Marble Cross for Tabletop - Salmon and Black, Hollow Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - White and Black Dimensional Standing Marble Cross for Tabletop - White Marble, Broken BaseStanding Marble Cross for Tabletop - White with Blue, Hollow Standing Peacock Granite Square Cut Cross on Lake Superior StoneStanding Plum Creek - With Rough Edges on Lake Superior StoneStanding Plum Creek -Angled Cut Rough Edges on Stone Standing Plum Creek Stone Cross Set in North Shore Rock Standing Quartzite Cross- Brown, Black Outlined, Double BaseStanding Sandstone Cross on Painted Valley StoneStanding Sierra Sandstone Cross for Tabletop or Bookcase Standing Soapstone Cross With Rounded End PiecesStanding Stone Cross - Brown, Tan, on Rock, White AccentStanding Tabletop Cross- Granite and Travertine - BrownStanding Tabletop Cross- Granite- Outlined, Gray and Red DragonStanding Tabletop Granite Cross - Sicuri IStanding Tabletop Granite Cross - "River Bottom" Angled CutStanding Tabletop Granite Cross - Angled Cut , Camouflage Standing Tabletop Granite Cross - Outlined Black / Green with StonesStanding Tabletop Granite Cross - Rustic Golden NoirStanding Tabletop Granite Cross - Sicuri IIStanding Tabletop Granite Cross – Gray and Taupe Cross Within a CrossStanding Tabletop Granite Cross- St. Cecelia and Ivory Hollow Standing Tabletop Granite Crucifix - Gold, Gray - Angled Cut Standing Terrazzo Marble Cross - Beveled Edges, Triangular BaseStanding Three Cross - Travertine on Mississippi River Stone Standing Three Cross Marble Plaque - Green and GoldStanding Three Cross on Thunder Bay Amethyst Standing Travertine Cross - Chipped Edges Standing Travertine Cross On Pedestal, With Nail and CrownStanding Travertine Cross- Angled Cut Standing Travertine Cross- Golden Travertine Hollow With IvoryStanding Travertine Cross- Lacey, IvoryStanding Travertine Cross- Unfilled, on Thunder Bay Amethyst Standing Unfilled Travertine Cross on North Shore StoneStanding, Tabletop Cross- Gray Granite and Lake Superior StoneStar of Bethlehem Plaque With CrossStone Three Cross Sculpture - Schist With TravertineStone Wall Cross - Vesicular Rhyolite Succuri Granite Wall Cross With Beveled EdgesSusquehanna Sandstone Wall Cross ITerrazo Marble Wall Cross Beveled Edges- Small IvoryTerrazzo Marble Wall Cross - SmallTexas Limestone Angled Cut Wall Cross - Natural Texas Limestone Angled Cut Wall Cross -2 Texas Limestone I - Square Cut, Low ProfileTexas Limestone II - Square Cut, Low ProfileThree Cross on Red and Gold Granite BaseThree Cross Plaque On Travertine With Plum CreekThree Cross Scene on Schist StoneThree Cross Schist SculptureThree Cross Sculpture - Quartzite and GraniteThree Cross Slate Wall CrossThree Cross Slate Wall Cross- Square CutThree Crosses Standing Calvary Scene - Granite and LimestoneThree Crosses, Calvary Wall Plaque Travertine Leaning Cross on Red Plum Creek Stone Travertine Three Crosses - Free-standingTravertine Three Crosses - Free-standing - Heavy RustTravertine Wall Cross Indoor / Outdoor - Ivory, Gray, Medium SizeTravertine Wall Cross - Three Layer Travertine Wall Cross- HarvestTravertine Wall Cross- Unfilled WalnutTravertine Wall Crucifix - Ivory, Light Tan and Gray Travertine Wall Crucifix - Golden Travertine Ivory Accents - 2 Travertine Wall Crucifix - Golden Travertine Ivory Accent Pieces - 1Wall Crucifixes / Standing CrucifixesWall Plaque With Cross - Granite, Black and GrayWall Cross - Arizona Sandstone Wall Cross - Beige and Ecru MarbleWall Cross - Black Galaxy Granite ,White and Brown Crystals Wall Cross - Brown Granite, Renaissance Wall Cross - Dark Green Slate Three Cross Design Wall Cross - Emparador BrownWall Cross - Golden Brown Dimensional Outlined, Juparana and OnyxWall Cross - Golden Noir Granite, AngledWall Cross - Granite, Small, Grays, BlackWall Cross - Green and Ivory OnyxWall Cross - Green Granite Verde FantasticoWall Cross - Jurasic GraniteWall Cross - Marble and Quartzite - Light Brown, DimensionalWall Cross - Milky White Quartz with Beveled Edges (2)Wall Cross - Reclaimed Red Limestone Wall Cross - Red Dragon GraniteWall Cross - Rojo Onyx 24 inchesWall Cross - Silvery Quartzite Wall Cross - Slate Three CrossWall Cross - TravertineWall Cross - Two Layer Brown SlateWall Cross Plaque - Golden Travertine and Red SlateWall Cross Plaque - Golden Travertine and Red Slate Broken EdgeWall Cross Red Limestone - IIIWall Cross Silver Sandstone With Quartz Wall Cross, - Granite with Travertine SquaresWall Cross, Granite - Golden Tan, Gray - Angled Cut Wall Cross- 3 Layerd Offset - CeramicWall Cross- Black Forest Granite, Broken EdgesWall Cross- Building Blocks of Faith - Reclaimed TX Stone Wall Cross- Crucifix, Silver Sandstone Rugged Cross Wall Cross- Dark Brown Granite And Travertine- Dimensional OutlinedWall Cross- Delicate CelticWall Cross- Golden Unfilled Travertine Wall Cross- Granite - Rough Faced, Gray, Ivory, Red - IIWall Cross- Granite, Grays With Black and RedWall Cross- Granite- Apricot and Gray Wall Cross- Gray, White With Garnet- Broken TopWall Cross- Labradorite Granite, Broken Arms and TopWall Cross- Reclaimed Texas Stone - Old Log CabinWall Cross- Red Dragon Wide CrossWall Cross- Small, Granite, Light Browns with Darker areas. Wall Cross- Three Crosses - Green, White, Pale Pink Granite Wall Cross- Travertine Profile Cross - Mustard Wall Cross- Wide Unfilled Travertine, 2 Broken EdgesWall CrossesWall Crucifix - Emparador GraniteWall Crucifix - Rough Cross with Flesh Tone CorpusWall- Granite Iron CrossWalnut Travertine Leaning Cross Walnut Travertine Profile Wall CrossWhite - Clear "Onyx" Wall Cross QuartzWhite and Gray Marble Wall Cross With Golden Areas IWhite and Gray Marble Wall Cross With Golden Areas IIWide Wall Cross- Ivory and Gold Be sure to check out our large selection of wall crosses, free standing tabletop crosses, Celtic crosses, oversized crosses and memorial crosses. We have recently added wall cross plaques as well. Our three crosses Calvary scenes are very popular, whether used with Lake Superior stones or on a wall cross plaque.
Our unique granite and stone crosses are a wonderful alternative to the standard metal and wood crosses that are commonly available. We are finding that cross collectors love us! Each cross is also signed by the artist, Rick Brack.
Check back with us frequently, since new styles and color combinations are introduced often.
Our designer crosses make perfect gifts! They are excellent for Easter, Confirmation, Mother's Day, Father's Day, high school or college graduation, weddings, Christmas, for your cross collectors, a gift for your Pastor or Priest or just to say "I love you."
Thank you for choosing Stumbling Stone Crosses!